Sunday, January 2, 2011

Reflection on process writing 2

Reflection on process writing

When the task is to describe a process using the passive voice/mood, we must use the present passive.

This is formed by using is or are with the past participle, e.g.

Orange juice is stored in a fridge.

The oranges are transported in trucks to the factory.

If we fail to use the passive when we are specifically asked to do so, we are dropped a quarter band, which can mean the difference between passing & failing.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

my writing

Today I will write about me bad writing because my teacher want that. I don’t know what I have to say but i will try just for my teacher to give me nice great in my writing portfolio.
First, I have bad hand writing but what can I do. However, know we use the computer for our writing that makes me so happy. I have big problem that is the spelling its make me crazy and don’t like English I think because that I fell in many English exams. When I was in school many work I don’t know how to spell but when I came to the college when writing exam came I feel like end of life I said I will fell while know after the foundation year my writing come bitter that before because many exam and practise but I still have problem  that is when I write I use simple word that have simple spell because that I get low marks in exam I have to use hard words to make my writing butter that all of my hand writing.
Word (184)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

how to make butter

How to make butter

How to make the best butter? There is a ten step successful procedure to make the best butter. Now we will see who or what these ten steps are.
First, you have to check the fresh milk (for quality of the milk and for content). Second, leave the milk to cool. Third, you must separate the cream. After that, place the butter in a jar. An important step is you have to drain to the butter milk from the butter. In addition, churn the cream. Then, wash the butter with cold water (to remove remaining butter milk). Last but not least, you have to add a small amount of salt for flavor and don’t forget to cut and wrap the butter. And the last step is to store the butter in a fridge.

As you can see, if you do these ten successful steps of course you will have the best butter from fresh milk.

Word (170)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How to prepare for a desert trip

How to prepare for a desert trip

Many people like to go on a desert trip and camping for a few days and they have lots of fun. They try a new life in the desert without any  technology but they must before they go to this trip, do a few things that don’t destroy the trip.
First, you have to choose on which day will be this trip and how long it will be and how many people will come on this trip. Second, you have to think what stuff you will need it in the trip and how much on costs. Thrid , when you arrive you must choose a nice and good place that all of you like  and agree with it. Fourth, when you have decided the place that where you will spend your trip, you have to work like a team and this helps to make the trip successful for all of you .
Overall, there are a few things to prepare for a good and nice desert trip in my opinion. If you want to go on a nice trip you should follow these steps.
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